Number of products shown

Number of products shown

More content on a product category page leads to better rankings in the vast majority of cases. Including detailed product descriptions and specifications can help customers make informed purchasing decisions.

This can mean category descriptions, but it also refers to the number of products shown on the page. Take into consideration both the category descriptions and the quantity of products displayed on the page.

From a user perspective, the quantity of products shown in the grid is more significant than the depth of the description. Displaying more products enables easier navigation without the need for pagination or filtering.

Reduces pagination, moving a product from 36 pages deep to half is beneficial for SEO. Ideally, place it on the first page of a subcategory to be only 2 pages deep.

In short, expand the number of products shown in your grid. Just be sure to use lazy-loading, you don’t want 36 product images loaded at one time.

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